Why Do My Windshield Wipers Leave Streaks Even When They're New?

New windshield wiper blades should leave a clear view behind when they sweep over your windshield, so if you're seeing streaks instead, you may be ready to yell in frustration. It's always possible that the new blades you got are defective, but there are some other potential causes. Two are very easy to deal with; the third is not as easy, but fixing it will take care of the problem for the long-term.

Repair And Clean Your Tool Shop's Glass Storefront And Add Signage And Decorations

The glass storefront that leads to your tool shop should be well-maintained and contain effective advertising and decor so that clients are intrigued and likely to enter the establishment. If the glass surface is slightly scratched and dirty, restore the storefront's surface and add signage and decorations with the options below.  Treat Scratches And Stained Surfaces Use a buffing wedge to apply a compound that is designed to eliminate scratches to the interior and exterior portions of the glass that are scratched.

Replacing Your Old And Drafty Windows With Energy-Efficient Glass

If you own an older home and the windows have never been changed, it is probably time to consider an upgrade to some new windows that will help you save money and provide the look you want for your home. If you have been holding out because your home has a specific look and feel to it, there are custom windows available that will look just like the old ones you have now.

Why You Should Have Larger Glass Windows Installed For Your Business

As a business owner, you will always want to be on the lookout for ways in which you can better the shopping experience of your customers. One of the ways to do that is to have larger windows installed, and you will want this done by a commercial glass installation company. To help you understand why these new and larger windows are a must have, you will want to keep reading.

A Few Things To Know About A Glass Shower Enclosure

A glass shower enclosure makes your bathroom look larger and adds a touch of elegance to your home. Glass shower enclosures are very popular in new homes and are a popular upgrade when renovating. If you're looking for ways to make your old bathroom look more modern and appealing, then you should consider having one of these enclosures installed. Here are a few things to know. The Glass Is Tempered For Safety