3 Ways To Address Condensation In Double Glazed Windows

Windows are an important architectural feature in residential properties. Today's homeowners prefer double-glazed windows because they offer maximum protection against air transfer. This helps reduce energy costs and alleviates the strain on an HVAC system.

A double-glazed window that is in good working condition shouldn't fog up when a temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air exists. There is a chamber filled with special gases between each pane of glass that insulates the window against condensation.

If you spot condensation inside your double-glazed windows, you need to address the issue immediately to preserve the integrity of your home's building envelope.

1. Replace the Insulation

If you look closely at the edges of your double-glazed windows you will see that they are surrounded by a strip of insulation. This insulation is designed to help seal off any small cracks between the window and the frame in which it is installed.

Insulation can fail over time, leaving gaps where air can infiltrate the inner chamber of the window. These gaps allow for condensation to accumulate on the interior surfaces of the window. Replacing worn insulation can help prevent condensation from forming on the glass in the future.

2. Doctor the Glass

If the insulation is intact, the condensation forming inside your double-glazed windows could be the result of improper gas levels. A technician can use a specialized drill to create a few small holes near the extreme edge of the affected window. A desiccating agent can be pumped into the inner chamber through these holes to dry out any existing condensation.

Once the interior glass surfaces are completely dry, a fresh supply of insulating gas will be pumped into the inner chamber. The small holes will be repaired, restoring the airtight seal of the window once again.

3.  Replace the Window

Double-glazed windows are durable, but they don't last forever. The average lifespan of a double-glazed window is often a matter of years. Many factors can shorten or extend this lifespan, including the climate where you live, the quality of the workmanship used to create the window, and how well the window has been maintained.

A window that has reached the end of its lifespan will need to be replaced. Condensation will continue to affect the old window because it can no longer maintain an airtight seal. Installing a new window will restore the energy efficiency of your home and eliminate condensation problems in the future. Contact a company like Desert Empire Mirror & Glass for more information.
